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Interface de busca que permite a recuperação de documentos indexados do Repositório de Recursos Humanos em Saúde.

Resultados: 55

CSP27. R7: Metas regionais em matéria de recursos humanos para a saúde 2007-2015: resolução

A 27ª CONFERÊNCIA SANITÁRIA PAN-AMERICANA, Tendo analisado as metas regionais em matéria de recursos humanos para a saúde 2007–2015 (documento CSP27/10); Levando em consideração a urgência de um esforço coletivo para abordar a crise predominante de recursos humanos para saúde na Região das A...

CSP27. R7: Regional goals for human resources for health 2007-2015: resolution

THE 27th PAN AMERICAN SANITARY CONFERENCE, Having analyzed the regional goals for human resources for health 2007-2015 (Document CSP27/10); Taking into account the urgency for a collective effort to address the prevailing crisis of human resources for health in the Region of the Americas and globally; Co...

CE162/25: PASB human resources management

This report highlights human resources initiatives taken in 2017, including advances made in the implementation of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (PASB) human resources strategy known as the “People Strategy” for 2015-2019, 1 and provides statistics on trends in the workforce of PASB. (AU)...

CE162/24: Update amendments to the PASB Staff Regulations and Rules

Introduction 1. The Staff Regulations of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (PASB) may be supplemented or amended by the Directing Council or the Pan American Sanitary Conference of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) pursuant to Staff Regulation 12.1. 2. In accordance with Staff Rule 020, the Staf...

CE156/INF: Regional goals for human resources for health 2007-2015: final report

In September 2007, the 27th Pan American Sanitary Conference adopted Resolution CSP27.R7, Regional Goals for Human Resources for Health 2007-2015 (1), which sought to support the development of national action plans for human resources for health to strengthen primary health care and help achieve univers...

CE162/26: Statement by the representative of the PAHO/WHO Staff Association

In introducing this document, we wish to reiterate the commitment of the staff and the Association to the vision, mission, and values of the Organization. We are always mindful that the values of equity, excellence, solidarity, respect, and integrity should guide our actions and inspire new generations t...

CE160//18: Strategy on human resources for universal access to health and universal health coverage

The countries of the Region of the Americas recently reaffirmed their commitment to universal access to health and universal health coverage. They recognize that despite progress made in economic and social development and in strengthening health systems, there are still inequities and exclusion in acces...

CD12/17: Educational needs for health personnel in the Americas

Adequate professional education is one of the basic requisites for the progressive improvement of health services in the Americas, The Director, in presenting his 1958 Annual Report to the Directing Council, called attention to the governments increasing requests for collaboration in the training of phys...

CD13/28: Educational needs for health personnel in the Americas

Pursuant to instructions contained in Resolution EXXIV of the XII meeting of the Directing Council, the Director has intensified his efforts to find extra-budgetary funds in order to expand the educational program of the Organization. Consideration was given to long-term financing of education of health ...

CD14/26: Inter-country exchange of health workers and students

The Director has the honor to inform the Directing Council that on 22 August 1963 he received a letter from the Surgeon General of the United States of America, copy of which is attached. This letter proposed that the following item be included on the Council agenda: "Inter-Country Exchanges of Health Wo...